The Best Place To Buy
Knives Online!
Knife Enthusiast is THE place to securely, safely and easily buy knives online.
The knife buying process is simple and easy.
Tip* Join our blade forums and start learning and discussing knives. If you still need help with choosing the perfect blade contact us directly and speak to one of our Knife experts.

Scroll through knife sales in our marketplace to see what's being sold. We are not selling automatic knives at this point, but may sometime in the future.

There are two knife buying options: auction or buy.
Auction - This is a straightforward Knife auction. Place your bid and win your knife.
Buying - Buy it for the posted price, or depending on the seller, you may have the
option to make an offer.
Tip* Hone in on the specific knife of your choice by using our filters [(auction/buy), (knife category), (price) (style)]

Use our secured payment processor to pay the seller and receive the tracking code for your knife shipping.
Tip* Protect yourself from scams. NEVER give your credit card information directly to the seller.

After your successful purchase, check out our blade forums and let other Knife Enthusiasts know what you love about your new knife!
Tip* Use the current knife forums to get feedback before you purchase.

Give us 5 stars and share with other knife enthusiasts!
*Tip You can leave reviews on Google & Facebook.